Thursday, 7 November 2013

OUGD502: PPP 2 - Task 1 - Session 1

1. Reflecting on your Summer what is your most memorable event and why?

I live in the Lake District and after being in Leeds over summer it really made me appreciate where I come from and where I have lived all my life. My most memorable event(s) was canoeing across different parts of Windermere lake. As my friend works on the public boat hire me and my friends were able to take the canoes out for free which is a bonus. I couldn't afford a holiday this summer so I spent most my summer working but I made the most of my free time whilst I was off work.

2. Have you made any contacts over the Summer that you feel could be helpful over
the coming year or so and what outcomes did you feel you achieved? 

Over the summer I made two contacts, both independent graphic designers. I was told that I could give them a ring whenever I wanted and arrange a date to go down/ up and see how they worked in the studio. Unfortunately I got these contacts during the end of summer when I was working and preparing to come back to university. I believe these contacts could be very helpful over the coming year, especially for getting work experience.I believe I have achieved the outcome of talking to professionals int the industry and coming across as friendly and willing.

3. How did you meet/contact these contacts (methods used or how it happened)?

Both contacts were contactable through my parents. My mum works for a kids club and one of the kids fathers is a graphic designer, who I spoke to on the phone. The other is my mums god daughters cousin, I never made contact as my mum forgot to ask for his number, but I can easily get hold of it and he's happy for me to ring up.

4. If you didn’t make any contacts, why? too busy working? holiday? commitments?! 

I was unable to visit any of the studios as the contacts were made during the end of summer, I was working a lot and was preparing to come back to university.

5. What methods of contacting creatives can you think of and what would you ask?

Methods of contacts:

-Letter (personal which is good)
-Going to studio and talk face to face
-Social media

Questions I would ask:

-If there was a chance I could come down to the studio for a day to see how they work
-Tips for the industry
-Ask to come and help out for the day

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